Monday, August 09, 2010

Where Have I Been

In November of 2008 I moved from Leesburg, Virginia to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The financial crisis of 2008 hit Loudoun County where Leesburg is, much sooner than it hit elsewhere and I couldn't get a job. I moved elsewhere to get away from Loudoun's problems only to find that they were a minature version of a coming storm. This transition was huge for me and I never looked at the blog till now - August 2010.

Yet when I read it over I am struck by how unchanged I am by changes. I am still working on Pi/Phi; still working out "unified formulas" (which I now like to call harmonic unification); still working on eugenics (but now I understand what biodemography is and what the transition means); still trying to understand the Galton family (who I now consider not "Quakers" or "gunmakers" or even "slavetraders" but financiers - solely into making money); still trying to show that relativity is based on an idealist epistemology (which allows the basic distortion of forcing light into the mechanistic hypothesis whereas in itself light is not affected by gravity); still a prolifer; still a Republican (though of the Teaparty type); still revolted by current "literature" which I am still convinced is a totally inaccurate description of American life, even less real than Currier and Ives or Norman Rockwell (it's all a preening falsity that became acceptable, nay required, in the Sixties); still the curmudgeon.

Yet something is different.

I thought of renaming this blog Final-Blue Horizon because that seemed to sum up better my current state. But actually my interests haven't changed. What has? What I'll do is add the poem, Final-Blue Horizon, I wrote about coming here:
When I grew old
And the financial crisis began
I came to live in Wisconsin
By Lake Michigan.
And I keep looking over there
Where color on color rules a line
(Especially when
An intense blue sky meets
An immense blue lake)
As if all the lines of print I ever read
Had been resolved
Into one last meaning,
One final blue horizon line.


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