The Dems Had to Win One
Looking at the election and returns - what a gloomy business. That said
1. - it is more fun to be in opposition
2. -the Dems only won by pretending to be Republicans but they only wanted to win so they could be socialists or worse. This is the "little rift within the lute".
3. - information widely available on the blogs was suppressed by the major newspapers and this suppression was decisive in the election. I mean: how things are going in Iraq including improvements in life for civilians since Saddam, what happened in Lebanon including acceptance of faked photos by AP, who the terrorists supported in this election, whether they will stay in the Middle East if we leave, the nature of the changes in the Army since Vietnam led by Rumsfeld and Cheney, the corruption in the UN, the cars burning in France, whether we will go to Darfur if we pull out of Iraq
4. - the blogs were NOT decisive in THIS election and so the foreign forces supporting the Dems probably think they never will be decisive and will continue to spew fantastic and easily exposed lies into the MSN and to support charades like impeaching Bush instead of building a program. The proof is that Dan Rather was pontificating and repeating his lies.
5. - but there will come a tipping point and possibly in the next two years. Because of 1, 2, 3, and 4 ... when all of a sudden "All Your Fakes Belong To Us"
It's like the situation of artists vs. the academy in the early 1900's when really great art with an important message was excluded by committees controlled by a certain dogma.
Action for me:
They set up the Armory Show to gather together the new art so that the meassge was not scattered as a consequence of being excluded from the official temples of ART - similarly, to gather together in one place - The Armory1Show blog - the evidence of fakery that was suppressed in this election - and that generally is suppressed -
believing that:
" You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but not all the people all the time"
1. - it is more fun to be in opposition
2. -the Dems only won by pretending to be Republicans but they only wanted to win so they could be socialists or worse. This is the "little rift within the lute".
3. - information widely available on the blogs was suppressed by the major newspapers and this suppression was decisive in the election. I mean: how things are going in Iraq including improvements in life for civilians since Saddam, what happened in Lebanon including acceptance of faked photos by AP, who the terrorists supported in this election, whether they will stay in the Middle East if we leave, the nature of the changes in the Army since Vietnam led by Rumsfeld and Cheney, the corruption in the UN, the cars burning in France, whether we will go to Darfur if we pull out of Iraq
4. - the blogs were NOT decisive in THIS election and so the foreign forces supporting the Dems probably think they never will be decisive and will continue to spew fantastic and easily exposed lies into the MSN and to support charades like impeaching Bush instead of building a program. The proof is that Dan Rather was pontificating and repeating his lies.
5. - but there will come a tipping point and possibly in the next two years. Because of 1, 2, 3, and 4 ... when all of a sudden "All Your Fakes Belong To Us"
It's like the situation of artists vs. the academy in the early 1900's when really great art with an important message was excluded by committees controlled by a certain dogma.
Action for me:
They set up the Armory Show to gather together the new art so that the meassge was not scattered as a consequence of being excluded from the official temples of ART - similarly, to gather together in one place - The Armory1Show blog - the evidence of fakery that was suppressed in this election - and that generally is suppressed -
believing that:
" You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but not all the people all the time"