Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Those Choiring Strings - .618 and Life

Any number divided by .618 will result in two numbers both related to .618 . This follows from the fact that phi squared + phi = 1 ( .382X times .618X = 1)
So that any number, angle or line formed by being multiplied or divided by .618 could align with all others so formed. It is like the way we can visualize squares aligning with squares and circles aligning circles. But .618 relates many kinds of objects (numbers lines and angles) in more complex ways not easily visualized but - as if:

as if they were all divisible by three
as if they were all squares
as if they were all circles
as if they were the strings of a harp

This what organizes growth in living things.

Seen thus they are in the mind as Hart Crane said:

["How could mere toil align]

those choiring strings"

or as Milton saw Creation

"when the morning stars sang out together."


These pictures are examples of alignment. The Escher pictures of circles and swimming fish show how the alignment of perspective requires alignment of lines, angles and number (size). This an example of how we must picture alignment in plants - (think spirogyra or nautilus where part of the alignment is visble to the eye) - not the same alignment as perspective but aligned like perspective.

The last picture which is from the Alhambra (the Alhambra greatly influenced Escher) shows how the alignment of a "filled universe" requires alignment of lines and angles but also how in such a universe the shapes on either side of a line must fit each other. A plant is a filled universe - it isn't likea gaseous "outer space" of no set form. Its shapes must fit each other.
No number other than .618 could create all these alignments.


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