Saturday, August 05, 2006

Digital Evolution and Genocide (part 2)

So far
A plan to commit a genocide against African-Americans was devised by Gunnar Myrdal and Arnold Rose and implemented by eugenicists (Osborn, Notestein, Kirk, Sanger, Guttmacher) supported by John D. Rockefeller III (JDR I and II were eugenic society members). They used the power of money and position aided by deception to push the plan through and hold it in place. We need to understand eugenics or else when we get rid of the Myrdal plan it will be replaced by another as the Nazi plan was replaced by the Myrdal plan.

Understanding Eugenics - Notes Toward a True History

Eugenics was founded by Francis Galton (1822-1911) an Englishman who inherited a great fortune from slave-trading, slum-building, Quaker, arms-manufacturing forbears. He had no need to work and it seems, passed his time revolving in his mind his family's greatness which he became convinced was an hereditary possession passed on like money. In 1870 he published Hereditary Genius in which he advanced the thesis that mental and moral qualities were material and hereditary therefore subject to those laws of evolution which his cousin Charles Darwin had revealed in 1859. Galton also alleged and tried to prove with charts and tables that human society was dominated and advanced by the hereditary genius pooled by natural selection in certain families. The Cecils, for example, has political talent, the Darwin/Galtons scientific talent, the Herschels a talent for astronomy and so on. A careful breeding program, said Galton, could in a very few generations lift an average family into the ranks of the bright galaxy of talent that ruled the world. His own had so risen. It followed that social improvement could be achieved by increasing the numbers of descendants of "good" families and decreasing the number of descendants of "bad" families. The descendants of slaves came from families with an inherited mental and moral tendency toward being slaves so the fewer there were of them the better of society would be. In the 1880's these ideas - encouraging the good to have children, discouraging the bad from reproducing their inferior kind - became a social program called eugenics. This program became organized in 1906 when the English Eugenics Society was formed. The history is complicated but the parallel group in America, the American Eugenics Society, was not formed until 1921. Other groups were, however, advancing the eugenic agenda much earlier than this, the most important being the Eugenic Records Office, sponsored by Harriman money and located at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. This was shut down in 1939 and its records and personnel dispersed. (to other locations run by eugenicists like the Dight Institute in Minneapolis) The ERO story is well known and information about it is readily available on the net - the present Cold Spring Harbor biological study laboratory taking the lead in explicating and repudiating the shameful past in which the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor worked for coercive government sponsored eugenics.

The activities of eugenicists had led by 1939 to segregation, anti-miscegenation, and sterilization laws which in turn were provoking constitutional challenges. The activities of the Nazi party which included implementating eugenic ideas directly copied from the United States were also causing resistance in the United States, even among eugenicists.

By 1937 leading eugenicists, including Frederick Osborn, had concluded that nothing short of Nazi methods could carry out a government-sponsored coercive eugenic policy and the Nazi policies, they thought, were incompatible with the continued existence of American democracy. How then to get rid of the inferior? This was the "American dilemma" which Gunnar Myrdal and his henchman, Rose, sought to solve. Their solution was, as we have seen, to use "social marketing" or propaganda in place of government coercion. This strategy was followed by post-war eugenicists led by Frederick Osborn.

The overall policy was called crypto-eugenics because it worked for hidden goals through front groups which were dominated by eugenicists, groups like the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. And because the American Eugenics Society aka the Society for the Study of Social Biology has not published a list of members since 1954 the dominance of eugenicists in fields such as population control and scientific racism is not known. If you knew who was a member, you would know that the assertion that African-Americans have a genetic IQ deficit as alleged in books like The Bell Curve, comes from eugenic society members - Cyril Burt, Arthur Jensen, Hans Eysenck, Chris Brand and others. One of the reasons for rejecting scientific racism is that it is not scientific - its supporters are a small group with an hidden agenda supporting each others research - with reviews, with letters to the newspapers, with promotions of each other and of each others favored students to positions in universities and on research facilities - but without acknowledging their common membership in the eugenics societies. Science is not forwarded by the secret agenda of a secret group whose members' careers are closely related to the careers of other members. And the careers of non-members could be affected, often very adversely, by the secrecy of this group since one of the true criteria for promotion and for obtaining research grants for those who work under a secret eugenics society member - and members have been department heads at Harvard, Berkeley, Cambridge and the Rockefeller University - would not be understood by non-eugenicists.

Society, too, is damaged by the policy of crypto-eugenics. The eugenics societies are constantly sponsoring social initiatives to forward their ideology. They do this in an organized way so that if you know the eugenic society officers and directors are at a given time, you know what campaign is being sponsored. So, for instance, in the Fifties and Sixties while Osborn, Notestein, Kirk and Alan Guttmacher were eugenics society leaders we see the push to legalize all forms of birth control in a certain way. In the Nineties a group of directors were concerned with obesity and their work led to a redefinition of obesity which led to an "epidemic of obesity". Another group, in power in the year 2000, was concerned with old age, holding that the ability to be a citizen, including the ability to vote without confusion, declined with age. (Euthanasia will never be introduced as long as the old can vote.) A group presently in power is concerned with "relationships", asking such questions as: what is marriage? what is the difference between marriage and living together? what is the difference between a man and a woman living together and a man and a man living together? and so on.

These campaigns are organized so as to appear to be the work of diverse groups with diverse goals. Since real goals, real issues and real consequences are often not debated, the policies adopted reflect eugenic goals more than the goals of other parties with more legitimate aims behind whom the eugenicists are hiding, as in the case of the debates on birth control. In my opinion democracy is damaged by this kind of secrecy.

These are principles and facts without which any discussion of the history of eugenics will be fatally crippled. I think this way because I developed a very extensive list of eugenic society members using lists in their archives and the published names of their officers and directors. This list which includes member activities is on the web in various versions, some earlier and less complete, under the name "Eugenics Watch".

What is the philosophy behind the history of eugenics?

The eugenicists supported segregation, the Tuskegee syphilis study, scientific racism and the Myrdal plan for a genocide against African-Americans. They also at various times have gone for the Jewish- and Irish-Americans but of all the policies aimed at by eugenicists it is the policies aimed at those of African descent which are the most persistent and the most deadly. This is not accidental. Francis Galton's family was immersed in the slave trade whose basic justification at all times and places is: the slaves are different in nature.

(to be continued)


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