Sunday, December 04, 2005

Digital Evolution - What is it?

There are two ways evolution could have happened - as a digital process or as an analog process. Darwin saw evolution as an analog process - small changes added up over time to make great changes. I think that evolution is a digital process - or several digital processes.

Digital Evolution - What is it?
First, a gene can move from one place on a chromosome to another. Second, a group of genes can move their position on a chromosome. Third, the number of chromosomes can increase or decrease. This last process, which occurs immediately at the conception of some individual, is the cause of macro-evolution, in my opinion.

The new synthetic theory of evolution would have it that macro-evolution is a process occurring over a long period of time involving gene mutations in many individuals which mutations are gathered together by natural selection over a long period of time into the "gene suite" or gene frequencies of a population. When this gathered bundle of genes has changed enough from some adjacent bundle (adjacent in space or in time) we call it a new species or a new family or a new class.

Here is the point. All species have a set number of chromosomes. If we say that a change in chromosome number is the cause of evolution at the species level and above, then it is easy to explain why species have a set chromosome number. The change in chromosome number both alters characteristics and tends to fix them because successful fertilizations are more likely where chromosome numbers are the same. But if we say that genes are mutating and being added by natural selection into a species change then we have to explain how natural selection adds mutant genes on different chromosomes until the new plant or animal is successful at which time natural selection changes the number of chromosomes which affects the number of genes (including HOX and MADS genes) without affecting the successful design even though a change in HOX or MADS gene numbers will alter body design.

This explanation has never been attempted. If ever offered, it would be a very convoluted and the words "Occam's razor" come to mind. A change in chromosome number accompanies all evolutionary changes above the species level and most at the species level. Why not then say the change in chromosome number is the cause of macro evolution instead of saying that a change in chromosome number is an external, adventitious "happening" that always happens?

After all if the change in chromosome number increases or decreases the number of the type of genes called HOX or MADS then it is not possible that natural selection had previously tested the entire body design that will emerge as a direct consequence of the change in chromosome number.

Digital or analog evolution - why it matters.
Does it matter though whether evolution is digital or analog? Yes it does because the false science of eugenics is completely dependent on an analog theory of evolution. Eugenics can be rejected whether evolution is digital or analog as a matter of social choice. We can choose equal justice under law for we are human. But in our present culture it is a powerful argument in favor of eugenics to claim that it is scientific. I think we have on hand the refutation of that argument - I think that evolution is digital, not analog. It is the purpose of this blog to explain, cover, debate, these issues.


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